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Career Testing and Counselling in Toronto

Are you uncertain about the career path you wish to pursue? Are you an individual who would like to pursue a second career? If so, Betty Stockley Counselling is here to help you. We offer career testing and counselling in Toronto to individuals in all phases of their work lives. Following are some of the career tests to make shifts in your lives:


Career Assessment Inventoryâ„¢
Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory


Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test
Canadian Test of Basic Skills
Differential Aptitude Tests® (includes assessment of cognitive abilities below)
Verbal reasoning
Numerical ability
Abstract reasoning
Mechanical reasoning
Spatial relations
Spelling and language usage
Clerical speed and accuracy


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®)
Emotional quotient intelligence assessment
Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis®
Firo® Awareness Scales

Other tests are also available upon request. Contact us for more information about aptitude testing for adults.

Our career testing and counselling will help you gain clarity, find your ideal career path, and meet and exceed your goals. Following are the services designed to assist you in your career:

Information about educational prerequisites and the Grade 12 Equivalency Diploma (GED)
Information about various universities, college programs, and financial assistance funds
Resume preparation
Interview, self-esteem enhancement, and public speaking techniques

Our services have proved to be invaluable to clients who are embarking on a new career path or individuals who have received promotions which require a fuller development of their skills. Call us to explore your career options.

Effective Counselling

Book an appointment for an initial assessment in person

or online with Skype or Facetime.

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